Hey, I’m Nicole I’m here to help

Coaching is My Calling

My name is Nicole Burke and I was born and raised in Los Angeles County and was so fortunate to grow up at the Pacific Ocean. Growing up, I was inspired by the Spanish language and Latin culture which led to my deep-seated passion for exploration and understanding.

Being fluent in Spanish has been instrumental in my ability to connect with individuals from various walks of life. It's a skill that has not only facilitated my travels but also enriched my understanding of interpersonal dynamics.

My wanderlust has led me to traverse 12 countries, immersing myself in diverse cultures, perspectives, and experiences. Living in Argentina, Spain, and Mexico broadened my horizons and deepened my appreciation for the richness of human connection. 

At the heart of my journey, I developed a passion for leadership and personal development. Years of impactful leadership training laid the groundwork for my ongoing exploration of self-improvement. It was during this transformative period that I crossed paths with my own life coach, igniting a profound shift in my trajectory.

With her guidance, I delved into the depths of personal leadership, honing the skills and insights necessary to unlock my fullest potential and becoming fully expressed. Witnessing the remarkable transformations within myself, I felt compelled to share this gift with others. And therefore, I decided to become a certified Life and Career Coach in the same program she went through which was an amazing decision. 

However, it was a serendipitous meeting with my now fiancé Alan in December of 2021 that sparked a new fascination within me - the intricate dance of relationships and the potential for continual growth and enhancement. Inspired by our journey together and recognizing the transformative power of intentional connection, I decided to pursue a certification as well in relationship coaching.

My journey culminated in the launch of my own Life and Relationship coaching practice, where I am committed to inspiring others to reach new heights of personal and relational fulfillment. Whether navigating the complexities of romantic partnerships, strengthening bonds with friends and family, or fostering harmonious dynamics in the workplace, I am dedicated to equipping individuals with the tools and insights needed to cultivate thriving relationships. Accordingly, as I continue to evolve on my path, I remain deeply invested in my own growth and education.

I also am a RESET breathwork facilitator. Breathwork has impacted my life and therefore I incorporate this transformative practice into my coaching sessions, offering clients a holistic approach to healing and self-discovery.

Above all, I approach each day with a sense of excitement and purpose, fueled by the opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. Join me on this journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and boundless possibility. Together, we'll unlock the doors to a brighter, more fulfilling future.

Kind Words from Happy Clients

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